====== Dokuwiki ======
====== Tips & Tricks ======
* Media files cannot contain uppercase characters
* default template supports sidebar. Just edit page [[:sidebar|sidebar]].\\ It is possible to provide separate sidebar page for each namespace
====== wiki syntax ======
====== plugins ======
* Move Plugin
* Indexmenu plugin
* nspages plugin
* Webmaster
* Forcessllogin
* code
* Introduces ''...
'' tags.
* ''...
* ''...
* ''...''
* ''...''
* Language list: [[https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/blob/master/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi.lexers.php]]
===== Templates =====
Seems to be OK:
* dokuwiki (default with sidebar)
* dokubook (with navigation menu without using sidebar page)
* it looks for [[dokuwiki:navigation|dokuwiki:navigation]] page, if not found index is shown
* starterbootstrap
* bootstrap3
* Bootstrap Simplified Template
* minima Template
Unusable for me:
* vector
* monobook
====== Useful links ======
DokuWiki Vs Mediawiki [[http://www.bbroy.com/2013/04/why-dokuwiki-is-better-than-mediawiki.html]]