====== CC1312 ====== SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F Sub-1 GHz wireless MCU with 352kB Flash Protocols : * 6LoWPAN * Amazon Sidewalk * IEEE 802.15.4 * MIOTY * Proprietary * Wi-SUN * Wireless M-Bus ===== Protocols: ===== ==== Amazon Sidewalk ==== ==== MIOTY ==== [[https://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/en/profil/what-makes-us-special/jb/2021/mioty-wireless-technology-award-winning-standardized.html]] [[https://loriot.io/mioty.html]] MIOTY technology is a new low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) solution, and is a true standardized technology based on ETSI 103 357. MIOTY achieves long range with Sub-1 GHz communication, and offers robust networks due to its innovative telegram splitting. It is also capable of scaling to thousands of devices on a single base station. Target applications are ultra-low power sensor devices, such as metering and environmental/industrial monitoring. These sensor devices can have a battery lifetime beyond 10 years in a MIOTY network. [[https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_ts/103300_103399/103358/01.01.01_60/ts_103358v010101p.pdf]] How does the licensing fee for mioty work? A: There is an IP license cost related to using mioty, this is a one-time cost per device, which is handled by Sisvel. Refer to their website for more details. ==== Wi-SUN ==== * Wi-SUN® is a standards-based mesh network with frequency hopping * The Wi-SUN® FAN protocol is defined up to the Transport Layer and the TI stack supports UDP as the transport \\ layer. * Stack: * IEEE 802.15rg PHY * Frequency hopping MAC * 6loWPAN / RPL / ICMPv6 / IPv6 * UDP * Border router / Router Device / EMbedded Router [[https://github.com/TexasInstruments/ti-wisunfantund|wfantund, Userspace Wireless Field Area Network (WFAN) Network Daemon]] [[https://www.ti.com/lit/po/swra714a/swra714a.pdf?ts=1741014309967|TI Wi-SUN® FAN Stack - Software Overview]] [[https://www.ti.com/document-viewer/lit/html/SSZT224?keyMatch=WI-SUN|How Wi-SUN®︎ FAN Improves Connected Infrastructures]] [[https://www.ti.com/document-viewer/lit/html/SSZT140|4 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Wi-SUN Stack]]