====== SSH ======
This add-on is only visible to ''Advanced Mode'' users. To enable advanced mode, go to ''Profile -> ''' and turn on ''Advanced Mode''.
===== Terminal & SSH =====
* Home Page: [[https://github.com/home-assistant/addons/tree/master/ssh|Home Assistant Add-on: SSH server]]
===== SSH & Web Terminal =====
====== Debug SSH to host ======
Enable real SSH to host operating system (not container):
* Install and configure [[ssh#Terminal & SSH]] Add-on to use public key
* **use real host console** - i.e. using Proxmox console
* login as root by issuing ''login'' command
* ''cd /root/.ssh''
* make sure that [[ssh#Terminal & SSH]] Add-on public key exits:
* ''docker exec -it addon_core_ssh ls -la /data/.ssh''
* copy ''authorized_keys'' from addon to host:
* ''docker cp addon_core_ssh:/data/.ssh/authorized_keys .''
* ''chmod 600 authorized_keys''
* Start SSH server:
* systemctl enable --now dropbear
* Login to host:
* ssh homeassistant -l root -p 22222