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eclipse [2015/07/18 11:43] – created niziakeclipse [2020/04/14 13:05] (current) niziak
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Eclipse ======
 +===== Spaces for indentation =====
 +Windows -> Preferences - >C/C++ -> Code Style -> Formatter
 +===== Install system-wide =====
 +<code bash>
 +update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/eclipse eclipse /opt/eclipse-mars/eclipse 100
 +===== Plugins =====
 +==== from marketplace ====
 +  * RED - Robot Editor
 +  * PyDev - Python IDE for Eclipse
 +  * Optimizer for Eclipse
 +  * Eclox - doxygen
 +  * ANSI Escape in Console
 +  * GNU MCU Eclipse (for ARM)
 ==== Install additional software ==== ==== Install additional software ====
- * PHP Development Tools (PDT) +  * PHP Development Tools (PDT) 
- * Eclipse Web Developer Tools+  * Eclipse Web Developer Tools
- * C/C++ GDB Hardware Debugging +  * C/C++ GDB Hardware Debugging 
- * C/C++ Development Tools +  * C/C++ Development Tools 
- * C/C++ GCC Cross Compiler Support +  * C/C++ GCC Cross Compiler Support 
- * C/C++ Library API Documentation Hover Help +  * C/C++ Library API Documentation Hover Help 
- * C/C++ Memory View Enhancements +  * C/C++ Memory View Enhancements 
- * C/C++ Unit Testing Support+  * C/C++ Unit Testing Support
- * Lua Development Tools+  * Lua Development Tools
- * TCF Target Explorer +  * TCF Target Explorer 
- * TCF Remote System Explorer add-in+  * TCF Remote System Explorer add-in
- * Valgrind Tools intergration+  * Valgrind Tools intergration 
 +  * Remote Command Shell Console
-==== Install from Marketplace ==== 
 ==== Manual install ==== ==== Manual install ====
- * ShellEd - Add software site: [[https:/]]+  * PlantUML [[]] Add software site: [[]] 
 +  * ShellEd - Add software site: [[]] 
 +  * RobotFramework-EclipseIDE - [[]] 
 +  * Eclipse Buildroot Toolchain Plugin [[|]] 
 +===== Configure for Linux Kernel ===== 
 +  * [[]] 
 +  * Link+ IDE, update URL: [[]] 
 +===== Issues ===== 
 +==== opening .md documents ==== 
 +Error 1:  
 +  org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles [Browser style SWT.MOZILLA and Java system property org.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=mozilla are not supported with GTK 3 as XULRunner is not ported for GTK 3 yet] 
 +Solution 1: Disable GTK 3 support in Eclipse. Run eclipse with'' --launcher.GTK_version 2'' 
 +Error 2:  
 +  Unhandled event loop exception 
 +  No more handles [Unknown Mozilla path (MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME not set)] 
 +Solution 2: <code bash>sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-1.0-0</code>
-==== Configure for Linux Kernel ==== 
- * [[]] 
- * [[]]