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git:gitlab:ci:issues [2023/05/29 13:23] niziakgit:gitlab:ci:issues [2025/03/12 09:07] (current) niziak
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== CI Issues ====== ====== CI Issues ======
-===== fatal: unsafe repository =====+===== Connection closed by remote host =====
-Error:+On 22 CPU machine, when Buildroot is in parallel download mode (''BR2_PER_PACKAGE_DIRECTORIES=y''):
-<code>fataldetected dubious ownership in repository at</code>+<code> 
 +kex_exchange_identificationConnection closed by remote host 
 +Connection closed by port 22 
 +In Gitlab server logs:
 <code> <code>
-fatalunsafe repository ('/builds/rPrca3qv/0/group/project' is owned by someone else) +gitlab sshd[1800758]errorbeginning MaxStartups throttling 
-To add an exception for this directory, call+gitlab sshd[1800758]: drop connection #10 from []:37112 on []:22 past MaxStartups
- git config --global --add /builds/rPrca3qv/0/group/project+
 </code> </code>
 +===== remote: You are not allowed to download code from this project. =====
 +Cloning into '/builds/group/project/buildroot/src/maginc-submodule'...
 +remote: You are not allowed to download code from this project.
 +fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403
 +fatal: clone of 'https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]' into submodule path '/builds/group/project/buildroot/src/maginc-submodule' failed
 +[[|Default CI/CD job token (CI_JOB_TOKEN) scope changed]]
 +[[|Allow access to your project with a job token]]
 +  * Go to ''Submodule to be cloned'' in Gitlab UI
 +  * Settings --> CI/CD --> Token Access 
 +===== fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything =====
 +<code>fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything.</code>
 +When ''git describe --tags'' is used to detect version name but repository doesn't contain tags.
 +Possible reasons of failure:
 +  * shallow clone, to unshallow run ''sudo git fetch --unshallow''
 +  * gitlab ???
 +===== cannot run ssh =====
 +Synchronizing submodule url for 'xxx'
 +Cloning into 'xxx'...
 +error: cannot run ssh: No such file or directory
 +fatal: unable to fork
 +fatal: clone of '' into submodule path 'xxx' failed
 +Looks like SSH client is not installed in Job image (install ''openssh-clients'').
 +**Reason:** During clone operation Gitlab Runner is using small helper (around 66MB) image where ssh client is not installed:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-git config --global --add ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}+docker run --rm -it ssh
 </code> </code>
-[[|Mark project working directory as safe for Git ]]+It is possible to chose flavour of helper image: [[|helper-image]] 
 +Images source: [[|runner-helper]] 
 +Ubuntu helper flavour contains ssh client: 
 +<code bash> 
 +docker run --rm -it gitlab/gitlab-runner-helper:ubuntu-x86_64-bleeding ssh 
 +docker run --rm -it gitlab/gitlab-runner-helper:ubuntu-x86_64-v15.11.1 ssh 
 +**Solution**: use Ubuntu based helper image: 
 +<file toml config.toml> 
 +  [runners.docker] 
 +    helper_image = "gitlab/gitlab-runner-helper:ubuntu-x86_64-v16.0.2" 
 +    helper_image_flavor = "ubuntu" 
 +**Workaround 1:** use relative submodules as described in [[|Using relative URLs]]. Gitlab runner will use https to clone submodules. 
 +**Workaround 2:** [[|Rewrite submodule URLs to HTTPS]] 
 ===== CAfile: none ===== ===== CAfile: none =====