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- OpenLDAP + phpLDAPAdmin Docker
- Tags: osixia/openldap:1.2.1
- Latest release: 1.2.1 - OpenLDAP 2.4.44
- Readme:github
LDAP DIT - LDAP Directory Information Tree
distinguished name
- DN - distinguished name - full path of the object in the tree. Uniquely identifies an entry and describes its position. I.e “uid=john.doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com”
- DNs are comprised of zero or more comma-separated components called relative distinguished names, or RDNs.
- For example, the DN “uid=john.doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com” has four RDNs:
- uid=john.doe
- ou=People
- dc=example
- dc=com
- DNs are case insensitive)
- RDN - is relative to its parent
Example DNs:
- “uid=john.doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com”
- “cn=John Doe+telephoneNumber=+1 123-456-7890” - to distinguish between more people named “John Doe”
- ”“ - empty is also valid - NULL DN references special entry called root DSE (server data)
- ““dc=example,dc=com”
“dc=com”- the DN of top entry is a “naming context” or “suffix”
The same DN:
- dc=example,dc=com
- dc=example, dc=com
- dc = example , dc = com
- 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25=Example,0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25=Com
DN Components
- dc - domain component dc=company,dc=org (domain is
- ou - organization unit (ou=
- cn - common name (i.e. “John Smith”)
- displayName - one line summary (for people can be the same as cn)
Are predefined containers for attributes. For example OpenLDAP's “Generic: User Account” assigns “inetOrgPerson” class.
- inetOrgPerson
- cn, sn - as required attributes
- lots of optional attributes like: “photo”, “displayName”, “uid”, “postalCode”, “telephoneNumber”
common attributes
And container classes:
- cn,sn (inetOrgPerson)
- mail=rfc822Mailbox (inetOrgPerson)
- uid=userid (inetOrgPerson)
- userPassword (person, posixAccount, simpleSecurityObject)
- hash: SSHA
- displayName (inetOrgPerson)
Structure design
- Unique name for each entry
- cn collisions. Two people may have the same first and last name. Grouping under different parent is necessary (ou).
- user can belong only to one ou.
- Stability of structure, but people can change:
- names - Do not rename entries, use some unique id like serial number. I.e. “uid=00003,ou=People, dc=example, dc=com”.
- position - departments - do not put users under specific departments (deep tree), better is to put it into one group and then use a attribute
to structurize and group users.
- security - separate some information by grouping it under another ou
Example structure
- dc=company,dc=org
- ou=people
- uid=jdoe
- cn=John Doe
- cn=Johny
- sn=Doe
- uid=jblack
- cn=Joe Black
- sn=Black
- ou=software
- ou=software
- ou=customers
- cn=Google
- cn=Wurth
- ou=devices
- ou=it
- uid=nextcloudsystemuser,cn=nextcloudsystemuser,userPassword=…
- root,www ,etc
- ou=location
- conference rooms location and phones, company address, etc