meta data for this page
Family tree:
- AcuSense NVR
- Acusense K
- 76 77 ACusense K–EUI
V4.83.013 build 241227
- Firmware Version:
V4.83.013 build 241227
- Codec version:
V5.0 build 241225
←- new build - Web version:
V4.0.1 build 241223
←- new build - Play Library:
- Plugin version:
←- new version - Changes:
- Add new features, fix known defects, and optimize product performance.
V4.82.008 build 240520
- Firmware Version:
V4.82.008 build 240520
- Codec version:
V5.0 build 240221
←- new build - Web version:
V4.0.1 build 240224
←- new build - Play Library:
- Plugin version:
←- new version (newWebPlugins.exe
) for windows) - Changes:
- Configuration –> Device Access –> IP Speaker
- Configuration –> Storage –> Advanced Settings –> Other –> [ ] Enable Auto Synopsis
- Support smooth dragging of video streams in HC (HikConnect?)
After enabling this function, each channel will occupies 2 GB of storage space. Continue?
- Support Fisheye Camera Expansion
- Support Stitching Distance
- Support No Plug-in
- video now works under Linux and Firefox
- Support Export device crash information on the web
- Optimized accept alarm picture size
- After this function is enabled, the alarm picture supports the 768K~2M picture reporting platform
- Support Add the platform by OTAP protocol
- Optimize Slice playback
- Added slice playback by month and date
- Support 2x / 4x single-layer SVC
- Support Local Auto Login - from NVR
- RTC air power protection
- When starting the device, check if the system time is abnormal in 1970 or 2004, check if there are
abnormal values in the RTC register, and check if it is less than the system time. If there are abnormalities, use the latest recording time as the system time. During system operation, monitor RTC for drift and perform real-time correction.
V4.75.005 build 230630
- Firmware Version: V4.75.005 build230630
- Codec version:
V5.0 build 230608
- Web version:
V4.0.1 build 230617
- Play Library:
- Plugin version:
- Changelog:
- Reason of Upgrade
- Add new features, fix known defects, and optimize product performance.
- New features:
- You can input user name and password when Plug-and-Play adding method
- You can add Hikvision Switch Device to NVR, and support to configure Switch event.
- Flexible arming and disarming with Hik-Connect. There are three ways available: Arm, Arm silently and Disarmed. You can create groups to set the arm status.
- You can configure Flashing Alarm and Audio Alarm on local EUI.
- You can configure Flashing Alarm and Audible Alarm on web site, and you can customize voice on Web site and Hik-Connect
- Modify the camera name of third-party cameras and the camera which added by RTSP
- You can quickly filter vehicle event by Search Range
- Perimeter algorithm optimization
- Support max and min rule
- Firmware version:
- Codec version:
V5.0 build 230414
- Web version:
V4.0.1 build 230213
- Play Library:
- Plugin version:
- Changelog:
- Fix known defects and optimize product performance.
- It beeps every 1 minute
V4.74.000 build 230213 Not released
- V4.74.000 build 230213
- Fix known defects and optimize product performance
- Play library:
- Web component: V4.0.1 build 230213
V4.73.006 build 221108
- Firmware version:
V4.73.006 build 221108
- Fix known defects and optimize product performance
- Code version:
V5.0 build 221103
- HW B-R-K20A9_K20A9-00
- Web version:
V4.0.1 build 220929
- Plugin version:
- Play library: *
Shipped firmware
- Firmware version:
V4.71.106 build 220630
- Hardware version:
V5.0 build 220624
- Web version:
V4.0.1 build 220411
- Plugin version:
AVAIL firmware:
- Firmware Version: V4.82.100 build240606
- Codec version:
- Web version:
- Play Library:
- Plugin version: