meta data for this page



  • Connection interval
    • Ranges from 7.5 ms to 4 seconds (in multiples of 1.25 milliseconds).
  • Peripheral latency / slave latency
    • Allows a peripheral to skip connection events without the central device dropping the connection.
      Thus, a peripheral device can skip several connection events, especially if it does not have additional data, resulting in power savings.
      The Peripheral Latency ranges from 0 to ((Connection supervision timeout / Connection interval) – 1).
      A peripheral latency of 0 means the peripheral is not allowed to skip any connection events.
  • Connection supervision timeout
    • Defines the maximum time between two received Data Packet PDUs before the connection is considered lost.
      The Connection supervision timeout shall be a multiple of 10 ms in the range of 100 ms to 32.0 seconds, and it shall be larger than (1 + Peripheral latency) * Connection interval.